I guess I joined around 2001 or so. I was already acquainted with Udhay via
the Linux community, but it was Jace (Kiran Jonnalagadda) who told me about
Silk and suggested I join. This was around peak mailing list and it seemed
interesting so I requested to join. Silk was young and vigorous then --
very unlike it's current somnolent old age. I remember many near-flame wars
and the occasional surreal post. I was pretty engaged in those days, but as
email as a medium dies a long, gory, death I have become more of a lurker
-- as has pretty much everyone else on the list. Still, of the 30-odd
mailing lists I was a subscriber to at the time I joined this is the only
survivor -- which says something about the value I place on it. I have made
many good friends via this list including several I have yet to meet IRL.

-- b

On Sun, 20 Dec 2020 at 07:06, Udhay Shankar N <ud...@pobox.com> wrote:

> The first message on silklist went out 23 years ago.
> There are some members who have been around since then, and many others who
> hopped on at a later time.
> How did you find out about silklist? Share your stories.
> Udhay
> --
> ((Udhay Shankar N))  ((via phone))

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