How about trying Hulda's Green Walnut Hull Extract.

-----Original Message-----
From: Maurice Evans <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, December 03, 1998 7:51 PM
Subject: CS and Parasites???

>Hello All,
>I have been reading the silver list for a while.  I am not a researcher
>but I do enjoy the material...because I am battling an autoimmune
>I have a question I hope someone can give me some insight on:  
>Does CS have any effect on tapeworm and their mentioned in
>Hulda Clark's book?  I have been getting night sweats around the upper
>body...and it is my understanding it may be caused by Ascaris eggs and
>larvae.  Does CS and/or Ozonated Water kill these?  
>If not, what would be your opinion as to the best course of action to
>take to rid myself of the parasites?  
>Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Keep up all the good
>comments on the list.
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