A little something from my in-box

Rejoice in the small steps!!
<<Michael>>   firew...@juno.com
webMaster of The Outlands WebStead at:
and lord of Far Reaches Cot-hold

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
Subject: Fw: OFF TOPIC: international petition for homeopathy
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 11:04:37 -0500
Message-ID: <199812011610.laa18...@jaguar2.jaguarsystems.com>

Here's a place to protest against taking away our alternative medicine. 
It's another country but each country that doesn't fall to this means we
have a better chance of keeping ours too.  Put your voice in today and
it On !  

To vote.  Read the English version of the petition but do not put your
through on the English voting page as it may crash your computer.
Instead....go back to the original web page and click on  the FRENCH
version  "NOUVELLE SIGNATURE " which means "new signature".
Then you leave the title"retirez l'interdiction" which means "withdraw
interdiction"; in the place of "NOM" you put your surname; in the place
"PRENOM" you put your first name and after it you write your e-mail
If you want you can give some comments in the window which is below.
Then, you send your signature by a click on "ENVOYER" which means "SEND".
The window called "effacer" means "clear".

It sounds complicated but it's not really :)


> >I introduce to you the International Petition for Homeopathy published
> >Doctor Edouard Broussalian here, in France, on the homeopathic web
> >"Planete-Homeo".
> >
> >You will be abble to sign this petition, if you agree with the terms,
> >web site:
> >http://planete-homeo.cdtel.fr/petition/
> >
> >It is in english.
> >
> >Homeopaths are very disturbed, in France, by this  attack against our
> >
> >of Homeopathy: to forbid the use of remedies which are safely used
> >almost centuries, like Psorinum, Pertussinum, Medorrhinum, Morbillinum
> >Luesinum; because it's probably the beginning of something greater in
the next
> >
> >future.
> >Very warmly.
> >
> >Jean-Bernard Morez

--------- End forwarded message ----------

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