
I can't seem to find any information on this on the internet anywhere so
I have to ask you people since you guys here on the list are about the
smartest I've come in contact with when it comes to health related

Well, my question is, could a deep cavity that's been untreated for
awhile cause systematic terror on a person?  I've had a hole in my back
tooth left untreated for awhile now.. #1 reason why I never got it
fixed.. $$$ and no dental insurance.  Anyway, as you've all seen, I have
been having all kinds of crazy symptoms from chest pain, abdominal pain,
new food allergies, gas, heartburn, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, etc. 
Could this be my problem afterall?  Any chance that this hole in my tooth
that's been left untreated for several months could be causing my health
to just be horrible?

Thanks Everyone,


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