See a third response below:
>>  chemical sensivities  and auto Immune Disease.  I started using CS about 6
>>  months ago. I am now having pelvic pain in female organs. 
>I would stop using the silver, then.  If there is MCS and "autoimmune"
>I would suspect parasites.  Silver may inhibit some forms of parasites (and
>of course works well on amoeba and probably flagellates in the digestive
>tract), but I would not use it for this purpose.  
>I worry about taking large doses of silver long term.  I think it is a fine
>supplement taken short term, even large doses.  But, according to Hulda
>Clark, heavy metals like this and gold can deposit in the organs, especially 
>in the uterus and prostate.  When they deposit, it inhibits the function
>of that organ to withstand pathogens like parasites.
>******I echo turf's concerns. What is your amalgam situation? Do you/did
you have them? What mercury detox have you done? 

I started CS but went off to do mercury detox...I may start again, at some
time, but I was afraid the things I am taking to detox mercury would bind
with the silver. Also, senstivity to metals is a concern. 

However! Who knows. Maybe this is some sort of detox reaction. It is so
hard to know, and I believe unique in each person. READ read read. Inform
yourself. Write to me off-list if you would like.

Blessings. Vilik
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