Bill, it is used by lying down on your back and putting your feet on it
and turning it on. It will move back and forth at a preset motion that
increases the oxygen level in your blood. You only need to use it once
or twice a day of 5 to 15 minutes.

The Chi Machine has been used successfully by hundreds of thousands of
people all over the world, with many remarkable benefits reported by

o More energy; a greater sense of well-being
o Stronger and more limber spine and joints
o Firming and toning of thighs, hips, buttocks
o Sounder and more restful sleep
o Greater ease in getting going in the morning
o Stronger immune system—fewer or no colds
o Better stamina
o Alleviation of many stress-related conditions headaches (including
migraines), anxiety, depression, constipation, etc.
o Improved function of the internal organs
o Improved circulation of the blood
and good for: misaligned spine, sore back, gout, arthritis, tendentious,
weight loss (15 minute massage is estimated to equal a 90 minute walk in
terms of body oxygenation).

Since 1990, half a million Chi Machines have been sold worldwide,
primarily in the Far East.

The machine has gained a tremendous reputation for its solid
construction and outstanding health benefits. And, unlike many types of
exercise equipment, the machine is easy to use, providing excellent
results without stress or injury.

If you would like to try one let me know. There is a 14 day money back
policy; so you risk the cost of shipping if you don't see immediate

Best of Health, Ni.

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