>My wife is pregnant in he first trimester.  Unfortuneatly, she also has a
>uninary tract infection.  The doctors perscribed antibiotics which did not
>work.   She really does not want to go back to get a stronger antibiotic
>the fear of what it might do to the baby.  Has anyone used CS during
>pregnancy?  Is it safe for the baby and the mother?  Also, has anyone had
>any luck in getting rid of UTIs w/ CS?

Hi! I had my gallbladder removed in 1991 due to Lyme disease. Afterwards I
was in a constant UTI situation, due to the change in stool consistancy, and
reinfection from the mess, until I 1) learned to use wet baby wipes
faithfully, and 2) discovered CS. Now I have no UTIs but still have to use
baby wipes, which are very expensive. (They work, though, so it is worth
I am of the opinion that CS probably wouldn`t hurt during pregnancy, and
wouldn`t hesitate to use it if I were pregnant again. (Fat chance at 46!!) I
am the kind of mom who never took aspirin or drank anything stronger than
fruit juice or water during pregnancy, not even Coca cola. So, saying I
would use CS shows how I believe in its harmlessness.
That is my 2 cents worth.
Good luck to your wife and new kidlet!
(Watch out, babies are a trap, you get stuck with them for 18 years!! I had
four... :o)
Marsha, soon to be from Vallejo...

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