
> Hi Karen, Donna and others interested:
> WaterOz is just a brand name of what the company professes to be  silver
> mineral water at 100 ppm.  I first heard of it on this list by a fellow named
> Dameon who has CF and swore that the WaterOz along with diet has helped him
> tremendously.


Yes Dameon was the one who convinced me to buy WaterOz CS.  He & I both
subscribe to an
oxygen mailing list and I have gotton so much good info from him.

About 2 weeks ago, another person posting on the oxygen list posted that Dameon
was in the hospital! I had one up-date since then that he was improving but he
had to be on IV antibiotics. I know he hated to do that!
I was very distressed to learn this and I do not know any more details right
I will try to find out more.

Anyone else on this list have any up-dates on Dameon?


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