Thanks for the input. :)   I think part of  my problem was a lack of 
acidophilis and judging by the excess fatigue  I  may have killed to much 
friendly bacteria.  I am loading up on acidophilis now.   I am  happy with all 
the responses I have received.  Thanks.   
                John J

-----Original Message-----
    From: Doug Sprague <>
    To: <>
    Date: Tuesday, October 06, 1998 11:37 AM
    Subject: Re: CS>progress report.
    You may want to try taking the silver immediately after eating. better 
chance of getting absorbed before getting to the lower intestine.
    At 11:55 PM 02/10/98 +00-05, you wrote:
    >John Jones wrote:
    >> A while back I promised to report my results with 32 ounces of
    >> homemade colloidal silver per day. After about two weeks my stomach
    >> was highly sensitive to the homemade CS I made using a 27volt
    >> generator.   I did have some positive results.  But the results were
    >> unsatisfactory ...
    >Hi John,
    >I'd appreciate others' comments to this, as all I'm sharing is my gut 
    >feeling based on my limited experiences. 
    >I tried drinking a fair amount of CS as you did, many ounces a day 
    >of probably 20ppm or more. After a week or two I began to have 
    >intestinal problems as well as just feeling poorly. When I started to 
    >have acute muscle and joint pains in my legs, hips and back I got 
    >really concerned. I stopped taking the CS but continued to get worse, 
    >rather than better.
    >Now you might wonder if I'm describing a herx. I don't really think 
    >so, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I'm basically healthy. I'm not 
    >fighting Lyme or any chronic disease I'm aware of. My original cause 
    >for using CS was to beat back the bronchitis and other upper 
    >respiratory infections I used to have. <grin>
    >The other reason I don't think is was a herx, is what solved it. Jim
    >Einert, our resident ND, had made a couple of suggestions to another
    >list member who described having very similar muscle and joint
    >symptoms. One of the things he said to try was calcium. 
    >This got me thinking about basic nutrition, and I had my wife buy me
    >one of those calcium enriched orange juices. I drank only two 4
    >ounce servings over twelve hours and was immediately much better.
    >What I believe happened is I had thoroughly wiped out my intestinal
    >flora, such that I couldn't absorb many nutrients. I had driven my 
    >nutritional state, and probably body chemistry, way out of whack.
    >So my response to what you've described is that you're probably not 
    >being subtle enough in designing your regimen. Others here can 
    >recommend steps to restore and support your overall balance better 
    >than I can. But I think that is what is going to be needed if you're 
    >going to use a lot of CS (or anything else for that matter) for a 
    >long time.
    >> I am now temporarily switching back to Dr. Farber's Colloidal
    >> Silver Protein - as I had my best overall results with it.  Though
    >> within the three days I've started back and a couple days before
    >> I've been much worse. 
    >If you read on the Advantage Pharmaceutical site you'll see they 
    >suggest other things to do while you are treating your Lyme. I'm not 
    >sure you'll feel any better until your digestion gets back to normal, 
    >whichever product you're going to use.
    >> Does anyone know how to make Colloidal Silver Protein? 
    >Yeah, Dr. Farber and his people? <GRIN>
    >>  Is there a machine I can buy or make myself to generate it? 
    >I've never heard a discussion of just how they produce their product. 
    >I believe they use some pretty high quality methods to control the 
    >quality. I don't think I'd try to duplicate it, although the high 
    >cost is an incentive.
    >> I would greatly appreciate any help.  I don't think the homemade
    >> silver I'm making with my 27 volt generator is strong enough.  
    >The reason we're pursuing the low voltage generators as well as 
    >others, is because anybody can do it that way. I'm not sure, based on 
    >your description, that it's the fault of the CS. You may need to do 
    >some other things to support your body during treatment.
    >> Thank you.   Take Care.
    >Good luck, John!
    >Mike D.
    >[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
    >[                       ]
    >[Speaking only for myself...              ]
    >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
    >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
    >  -or-
    >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
    >To post, address your message to:
    >List maintainer: Mike Devour <>
    Doug Sprague 
    SQM Manager for Dowell Canada
    Voice: 403.509.4128 
    Pager: 403.509.4120 
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