John in CT wrote:

> Some of you may or may not have heard of the Y2k computer
> problems. After much research, I am taking it very seriously. ...
> Colloidal Silver will play an important role in the survival of the
> survivors.  I hope you all can see the significance and the
> importance of truthful reporting of your CS findings. 

Hello John,

I take it seriously, too.

I read that first link you gave, and it's a good approach to breaking
down denial: Page after page of documented statements of credible
public figures and recognized experts. Hard to ignore.

Survival is one reason many here on the silver list are interested in 
CS, so we'll revisit this topic often, I think. <grin>

There are *so* many good sources and forums for discussing it, 
however, we won't need or want to pursue lengthy details of it here, 
unless or until a strong demand emerges from within our membership.

I do hope some of our members would help us identify sources for 
survivable power and supplies for running our CS generators. Solar 
distillers, battery chargers, bicycle or crank driven generators, all 
sound like good projects to get interested in.

If, of course, it's all just hype <GRIN> then we've got nothing to 
worry about but what to do with those 100 pound bags of beans and 
salt in the basement! Do you think that a gas mask canister would 
make a good filter for our CS? <THAT'S A JOKE, OKAY!?>

Good links, John. Thanks for the pointer. We've got some interesting 
times ahead of us.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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