
I checked out the site for the water distiller kits  mentioned and was
shocked by the prices. 
For several months I have had information about a company that sells
solar distiller kits at a reasonable price. Just recently they raised
their prices. I am planning on buying one of their family
solar distillers.  The location is
and they have a family solar distiller for $125.


---"M. G. Devour" <mdev...@mail.id.net> wrote:
> Hallelujah! I'm glad Zeke's finally got that web page working...
> I'm an enthusiastic do-it-yourselfer and I have always liked the idea 
> of solar energy projects. These folks sell kits and are even going to 
> publish a do-it-yourself guide. I like'em!
> I don't know anything more about them than is on their web site, but 
> I enjoyed my visit. It makes me want to go out and build me a solar 
> distiller! Cool!
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> On 26 May 98 at 4:42, Dean wrote:> > I just tried the link
> > And it worked fine.
> > 
> > Dean
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
> [Speaking only for myself...              ]
> --

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