John and Valerie Surgeon wrote:
> At 11:29 AM 9/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hi John and Valerie,
> > That little bit of trivia was a quote by Garrison Keilor on his TV
> >show on PBS. It was Lake Wobegone, a fictional town in Minnesota , where
> >" all men were handsome, the children above average, etc. He married a
> >Norwegian and moved to Norway or Sweden, got bored with it , came back
> >and started a new show.
> >  Thats the best I could do. :-)
> >
> >  Bless  you     Bob  Lee
> >--
> >oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast
> Great answer, Bob.  Our judges have determined that your answer is correct,
> advancing you to the next round of competition.  After these messages,
> today's final trivia question...
> BTW, your information on Radio Shack magnets is very helpful.  This whole
> magnetism thing is fascinating, especially as it relates to water & health.
>  Saul Pressman just made a posting to the oxylist regarding the bottled
> water he produces.  He filtered, ozonated, and magnetised it.  Says it
> comes out real smooth and energetic.
> John and Valerie Surgeon

  Hi John & Valerie,
 It was fun,I liked that program.
 Lots of good magnetic stuff in the book * Biomagnetic Handbook* by
 Also interesting is the magnetic products in the Harriet Carter
catalog. 1-800-377-7878
 They have magnetic knee brace, magnetic bandages, magnetic mattress and
pillow pads, magnetic back brace, magnetic slippers (feet), magnetic
carpal tunnel wrist supports, magnetic patches you can stick on you
 Its in the market place at low prices, just have to know where to look.

   Bless you   Bob  Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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