Here is a quote from material from a goat owner's mailing list.   I will
forward the complete material to anyone interested-about 14k.

"Common bacteria may be linked to Alzheimer's, researchers say

Organism believed to infect up to 70% of some populations

by David Morgan, Reuters

Philadelphia-  Research into the cause of Alzheimer's disease has for the
first time
identified a possible link with bacterial infection, health experts said
The bacteria Chlamydia pneumoniae, a known cause of common respiratory
such as sinusitis and bronchitis, was found in the brains of 17 out of 19
victims examined by a team of university biologists in Philadelphia, Detroit
Baltimore.  The same organism showed up in the brain of only one of 19
patients who
had died of other causes.
Chlamydia infection was the most pronounced in regions of the brain that had
damage typical of Alzheimer's disease, a form of dementia that strikes one
10 elderly
people and leads to forgetfulness, disorientation and confusion.  There is
known cure."
John and Valerie Surgeon

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