Greetings transmuters of silver into electuary medicament, Could have just said hello,no fun in that. Anyway, some new stuff to talk about. Some months back was thinking how to keep the CS clear while making it. Clear being used to mean no turbidity. That means totally transparent or perspicuous(nothing visible). Clear is not a correct term to use since you can have clear eyes, a clear road,etc. .So in attempts to make CS with no turbidity did a series of experiments on *Current Density*. After doing a lot of tests and constructing Current Density Tables have found that if the wetted electrode current is kept below 0.0107ma per mm2 (10.7ua per mm2) that the CS stays clear and no Floculation takes place until after power is removed. This equates to a true solution or particles under 1 mu (10-6 mm). mu=millimicron ma=milliamp ua= microamp mm=millimeter mm2=millimeter squared This means that single atoms have been removed. These single atoms will begin to floculate after power is removed into larger groups of atoms or small molecules,all of which can PASS INTO cells and attack viruses,viroids and prions. Normal large particle CS will attack bacteria which are outside of cells, but can not get into the cell. Remember that bacteria are outside cells and viruses,viroids and prions are inside cells. In order to further enhance the potentiality of the CS ran a series of experiments to explore the capability of removing one or two or three electrons from the silver atom. This I could do with the *starved electrode* technic. In was found that with only one electron removed the CS would become pale rose pink (red)(6470A,647mu) when floculating with only slight turbidity. With two electrons removed the CS would become yellow (5780A,578mu)when floculating and only slight turbidity. With three electrons removed the CS would become violet (lavender)(4050A,405mu) when floculating with only slight turbidity. A= angstroms mu= millimicrons mv=millivolt With the *starved electrode* the CS becomes very ionicly active with typical readings of 30 to 50 mv at the electrodes with no power applied after making the CS. One run was stopped at 6ppm and WITHOUT power applied the ppm continued to rise to 14ppm over a period of several days. The mv potential at the electrodes slowly went down as the ppm went up. This is really active stuff and opens up new avenues of thought and more tests to make.
Bless you Bob Lee -- oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour <>