What does a blood (serum?) Amylase level of 297 (norm is 25 - 115) mean?
Been on Pancreatin for awhile.
My texts refers to amylase as a cl;ass of enzymes that slpit or hydrolyze
starch.  One form present in saliva and PANCREATIC JUICE splits
polysacharides.  He stopped eating for about a week so we've been giving him
whey protien powder shakes - either with milk, yogurt or fruit juice
(pineapple).  The admiting nurse asked if her had an ulcer due to the high
amylase.  Could this be an affect of the Pancreatin?  And if so, is it good
or bad?
Just got home from putting Dad in the hospital; for dehydration and anemia.
Hemoglobin of 8.4 (14 - 18 is norm), and a hematocrit of 26.9 (norms are
42 - 52).  Started on IV fluids and will recieve 2 units (forget if it will
be packed cells ort whole blood 0 more likely whole blood for the volume).
Also hasd a WBCX of 18.2 ( norms are 4.8 - 10.8)

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