I feel sorry for the bugger.  I tangled the thee Brown Recluse about 10
years ago and it nearly got me.  For me, the critical time period was the
first 16 hours and it began within minutes knocking me unconscious.  I
didn't end up seeing the doctor because I passed out before I could get to
one.  I figured I was going to live since I woke up (mostly in this
dimension) almost a day later.  I really can't tell you how to deal with the
problem, however, I can tell you some of the things to look out for.  After
the immediate pain and muscle spasms subsided, the bite area turned blue,
green, purple, black and not necessarily in that order.  The area ached
something fierce and eventually a huge chunk of tissue fell off of my arm
where I was bitten.  At the time, all I was putting on the bite was ZMO (a
remedy from early America) and tri-antibiotic cream.  If I had to do it now,
I would try some silver and possibly some tea tree oil, and see if I could
find someone who specializes in such things.  Another thing to look out for
is the advance of some opportunistic bug or illness.  Some of my docs think
that the spider bite may be what brought on my fibromyalgia.  Sorry I can't
be more help.  Oh, by the way, someone is bound to tell you to use one of
those stun guns.  I'd advise you to stay away from that approach.  From what
I can understand, the shock approach is more along the lines of folklore
than anything else.  Hope your friend fares well,

-----Original Message-----
From: Harvey Flatbush <ha...@iomet.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 1998 12:08 AM
Subject: Brown Recluse spider bite

>Hi List,
>Here is a situation I haven't seen addressed on the list before.   I just
>found out about an hour ago that one of my friends has been bitten by a
>Brown Recluse spider on his shin and at the moment the bite has spread to
>roughly two inches in diameter..  Does anyone on the list know of anyone
>that has effectively dealt with this problem using a zapper, Rife
>equipment, colloidal silver or any other alternative curing method?  Please
>post answers to list for other's benefit.
>Thanks heaps,
>      >>>>>  Harvey Flatbush  <<<<<
>             ha...@iomet.com
>           http://www.iomet.com
>      <<<<<  Ione, Washington >>>>>
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