>Aloha list! I was just refereed to this list by a nice concerned person.
>I have a 3 yrs old son, Kanoe...whom has had an unexplained fever for the past
>21 Months with *NO* other symptoms! This fever comes every 4 weeks and last
>for about 4-7 days at about 103-104! We have been to every DR and he has been
>examined from Head to Toe and have not found a thing! We have exhausted all of
>our resources and are now being refereed to DR Steihms at UCLA. We live in
>Hawaii...if anybody has any suggestions we welcome them! Being told at this
>point now that the DR's and their Specialist can't diagnosis Kanoe that
>hopefully he'll grow out of them does not sit comfortable with ME!!!!!! Thank

   A friend who has lyme found out, because her mother marked the date on
the calender, that there is a cycle period and it happens once a month. 
During that period she is so sick that she can't even take care of her
own house.

Take Care 


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