> From:          "Jeffrey La Favre" <jeff_lafa...@ameritech.net>
> To:            "Silver List" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject:       Correction to formula for resolution of light microscope
> Date:          Wed, 29 Jul 1998 23:31:35 -0400
> Reply-to:      silver-list@eskimo.com

Hi Jeff,
        If I got this right, a good light microscope will "see" down to 0.2 
microns, and, would a darkfield "see" even better? Maybe down to 0.1 
micron or less? Sounds like were getting close to seeing what we need 
to see!
        Thanks for the math!

> In double checking my message I discovered an error in the resolution
> formula.  The correct formula is given below:
> R = wavelength/ (2)(numerical aperture)
> Then the resolution would be:
> R = 0.5 microns/ (2)(1.3) =  0.2 microns
> Therefore, the smallest particle that can be measured directly by a good
> light microscope is about 0.2 microns in diameter.
> Sorry for the error in my first message.  Hope I have it correct this time!
> Jeff La Favre
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