
I don't know if the words below are yours or from some site you have
visited.  What I do know is that they seem to be a grand sweeping
generalization.  I really hate it when the "natural" community (of which I
am a part) throws out all medical knowledge and medicine as useless.  I
could line up hundreds of people who will tell you how wrong the statement
below is.  While psychiatric drugs may be toxic and/or addictive in some
cases, "practically useless" is a bit strong for my liking.  I've seen all
manner of quackery convince folks to throw away their meds only to land in a
hospital or the morgue.  The fact is, some folks are very sick and function
only because some psychiatric medication allows them to overcome an
imbalance.  Watch one of these folks kill themselves because they gave up
their medication and began thinking that the rat terrier was God telling
them to destroy themselves and the world, and you may gain another

As for the rest of the post, perhaps CS could help these folks and perhaps
not.  I personally doubt that all mental illnesses have a like cause.  The
diverse nature of mental symptoms and the delicate systems of the brain/mind
lead me to believe that there are any number of things that can create an
imbalance.  If CS works for some, great, but I bet it won't work for all, in
which case we better keep some meds on hand too.  I feel the same way about
the antibiotic debate that has been going on lately.  I for one am darn glad
to have antibiotics because CS does not work for every malady.  I hope you
don't take this as a flame, I just hate to see us throw out everything
related to medicine.  It seems that at times we become as pompous as they.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Kingsbury <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, July 25, 1998 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS and immune system - Borna virus

>Borna virus causes depression, manic depression, and even
>schizophrenia in humans.  It is cured by antiviral drugs,
>but not by psychiatric drugs which are toxic, addictive,
>and practically useless in most cases, while making drug
>companies wealthy and driving up health care costs.

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