
Here is more on MSM:

MSM - How Much is Enough?
1,000 milligrams = 1/4 teaspoon (2 capsules)
In general, taking about 1,000 milligrams of MSM for every 30 pounds of body
weight (spread out in two or three servings over the course of the day) is a
good amount. We suggest that you start out by taking 1/4 teaspoon of MSM in
the morning and evening with or just after a meal. You may want to
experiment with larger amounts over time, but start out slowly. MSM helps
your body rid itself of stored toxins and if you proceed too quickly your
may experience unpleasant side effects such as irritability or what is known
as a liver headache. Such symptoms can indicate that your body is cleaning
out so quickly that your kidneys, liver and lymph system are being
overworked. If you find this occurring to you, reduce the amount of MSM that
you are taking for a few days until your body has processed out more of its
accumulated garbage. It will pass. Pun intended.

I found it at




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