Has anyone started building the CS generator per MGD's spec in the
suggested protocol?  I'm collecting up the parts myself and should have
an operating one within a couple of days. Waiting on the arrival of the
14 gauge silver wire now. At this point have we agreed to go with Mike's
protocol as it stands?  We really should press on with this or we will
lose the momentum that we've collectively generated. I'm sure we'll be
hearing from Bob Wells soon with some input regarding the second stage
of testing, the bio lab.

Also, I called Hanna back this morning and talked with their technical
"specialist" about what I was trying to do and the functioality of the
TDS-1 vs the DIST-1 and he absolutely asserts that the DIST-1 has a
LOWER margin of error than the TDS-1 for a sample of a given
concentration and it is definitely the preferred device for testing
lower concentration samples. Yet the arguments for the TDS-1 put forth
by members of this list are very well reasoned and make perfect sense to
me. Sometimes I just get soooo confused! Oh well, the DIST-1 should be
here in a few days and we'll see how it compares to the TDS-1 when we
get the lab to assay our samples.

Another pledge for the fund today!!

For now the fund stands as follows:

 Tom Young          tyo...@esslink.com                      - $20.00
 Bruce K. Stenulson stenul...@amigo.net                     - $20.00
 Paul Bembower      bembo...@fastrans.net                   - $20.00
 M. G. Devour       mdev...@mail.id.net                     - $20.00
 Nick Ferraro       trans...@aol.com                        - $50.00
 Sandi              swoinow...@plix.com                     - $50.00
 Michael Mahoney    mmaho...@eoni.com                       - $20.00
 Bill VS            bill...@cheerful.com                    - $20.00
 Jerry WineBrenner  win...@aol.com                          - $20.00
 Whitney Collins    xanadu...@email.msn.com                 - $20.00
 D. K. Mason        tvst...@worldlink.net                   - $10.00
 Fidget             fid...@warwick.net                      - $10.00
 Robert Wells       robert.we...@ny.ubs.com                 - $50.00
 George N. Allen    gal...@cpcug.org                        - $20.00
 W. D. Cavanaugh    chuck...@iamerica.net                   - $10.00
 Debbie McDonald    lullw...@flash.net                      - $10.00
 Marsha Hallett     liah...@pacbell.net                     - $20.00
 Dameon             likow...@earthlink.net                  - $20.00
 Dean Woodward      woodw...@educelec.com                   - $20.00 
 George             george.bere...@nashville.com            - $20.00
 George Martin      gmar...@usonet.ne.jp                    - $50.00
 Douglas McMurtrie  dmcmu...@bellatlantic.net               - $50.00

                                      Total to Date         $ 550.00

Regards to all,


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