Well doesn't that just make my day!!!   Future-biotics is what I've been

buying in that cobalt blue bottle.  I'm on my 2nd bottle and have
another "extra" that I bought.  I also bought one by Medico (I think)
that is in a white plastic bottle.  You mean to tell me I'm ingesting a
heavy toxin leeching from that bottle and the CS is useless?

Have a good mind to return the stuff to the herb store (think I will)
and bring him this article so he discontinues selling this stuff.

BTW...since Solgar products just sold out to American Home Products who
just sold out to Monsanto ... the owner of the herbal store is phasing
them (Solgar) out too.  I don't trust Monsanto in anything they do.  A
little food for thought to you all.


Fidget; I am not sure that the blue glass bottle was the culprit, but I
shared with this silver-list, so they can maybe do some tests for

We all know that every batch of C silver can be different. So it
behooves each of us to find ways to discover, what product works best
for us.

Look at Dameon, he goes to some quack and the next thing he's posting is
that all muscle testing is worthless!

I am merely saying, look at what happened to us here and please pay
attention to the results you are getting!!!  I am not badmouthing all
companies who use blue bottles, because I only tested 1 blue glass
bottle, with a sprayer. And I have not tested any of the companies you
mentioned with blue bottles.

I wouldn't dare post that, or I'd be subject to some kind of lawsuit!

I did an experiment, the results startled me. No I will not be using
blue bottles anytime soon to store my CS in, that is true. But I cannot
deny or make any claims about other products, homemade or otherwise,
unless they too were tested.

Dameon, if it makes you feel any better, I will withdraw my offer to
test any of the samples!

Feel better?


Whatta day!!!


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