chc wrote:
"Today was a most interesting discovery. A highly qualified manufacturer

sent me a "42 ppm CS" in a cobalt blue spray bottle. No big deal,
The solution would not test viricidal, bactericidal, fungicidal, Nada! I

could not believe it! It would not make any of the reflexes strong. This

is almost a first, sine I have tested hundreds of people with CS to
So we took the solution out of its container, put it a sterile glass
container, still would not test for killing anything! Hmmmm...What next?

Then we took a known 100 ppm CS, fantastic, proven quality bug killer,
(by our testing and with patients results) tested, still great. Rinsed
out the cobalt bottle with sterile water, several times. Guess what? It
totally deactivated the 100 ppm product! We could not believe it, so I
again decanted the 100 ppm product from the blue bottle, back into
another sterile container! Nada!"

This brings up some SERIOUS QUESTIONS, since cobalt blue GLASS bottles
have been recommended (as well as brown GLASS or used peroxide bottles)
for the storage of CS since they have no charge that would cause the
silver to plate out ...nor would it deactivate from exposure to light!
Was the cobalt blue bottle GLASS or was it PLASTIC?

The other big question I have is "Will the COBALT leach out of the glass

and contaminate the contents?"  The reason I ask is that Hulda Clark
recommends that all BLUE products whether for ingesting or for topical
use be AVOIDED, since the source of the blue color is COBALT!  COBALT is

a HEAVY METAL which accumulates in the body!  I know that LEAD CRYSTAL
should not be used to store wine, etc. because the lead will leach out
and contaminate the product.  Does the COBALT do the same?

Are there any chemists out there who can answer this question?  (I am
presently re-using the cobalt blue glass bottle that my first CS came in

(Future Biotics brand).

Thanks in advance!

Ginny; Some very good questions, I had the same ones about cobalt blue
The container we tested was blue glass, and it had a plastic sprayer in
it. However we did not test the solutions using the sprayer! If that
could possibly matter.

Please any chemists out there, HELP!!!



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