>Acidophilus. I did 3 different samples. (1) Acidophilus straight out 
>of the bottle. (2) Acidophilus diluted with  distilled water 50/50. 
>(3) Acidophilus diluted with MSP 50/50. The results were about the 
>same I have seen before. The  Acidophilus/MSP combination made the 
>bacteria a bit more active than either of the other samples. It did 

   If it makes the bacteria more active then I "think" that might
be a good sign. The reason is that each bacteria has a life cycle.
Say one bacteria's life cycle is 3 days. That is from birth, reproduction,
and death in a time span of 3 days. So what happens if you speed up that
cycle to 1 day. You have birth and death so fast that it doesn't have
time to reproduce. Some of the articals that I have talk about certian RF 
frequencys doing the same thing.

   On the other hand though, it could be a bad thing if they are fast
enough to reproduce in that time frame.

   Keep up the good work Jim and thank you for your efforts.

Take Care 


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