Yes Bruce,

I'm interested, too.  Please post a circuit diagram for 
your pulsed dc generator.


At 10:26 AM 7-14-98 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Bruce,
>Please post the circuit diagram for your pulsed dc generator. I'm
>Be well,
>Christian von Wechmar
>Stellenbosch, South Africa
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bruce K. Stenulson <>
>To: George Martin <>;
>Date: Monday, July 13, 1998 11:03 PM
>Subject: Re: An observation...
>>Producing a pulsed DC CS generator supply is quite simple; a basic 555
>>timer astable circuit will produce more power than needed. Parts can be
>>less than $25.00, including either a battery holder, or an AC plug in
>>power supply; all available at Radio Shack. The 555 timer chip will
>>tolerate up to 18 volts, which was a guideline in my early
>>If there's enough interest, I'll post a circuit diagram on my website
>>for a 12 to 18 volt powered pulsed DC CS generator. If there's enough
>>interest, I'll produce a PC board, parts list, and instructions for
>>around $12.00. With enough interest, a full kit could be made available
>>fairly reasonably. Generating your own quality CS doesn't have to be
>>Let me know if anyone's interested; times are busy, but we can make it
>>happen if there's an expressed interest. Otherwise, the circuit will sit
>>on the 'back burner' for a while longer...
>>Be Well!
>>Bruce K. Stenulson
>>Applied Technology
>>The Alternate Health Approaches Forum

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