I tried Colloidal Gold but the results weren't that great. I found that a
GOOD herb-vegetable-grain-fruit powder mix gives so much better results
than a single mineral (gold). There are hundreds of HEALING NUTRIENTS in a
good powder mixture which will help your body heal FASTER than just Gold
Mineral Water.  

Regards, Joyce

On Sun, 12 Jul 1998, chc wrote:
> Here's what waterOZ says about,  Gold Mineral Water
>         Gold Mineral Water is non-toxic and promotes a general euphoric
> feeling of well being, stimulates the body's restorative functions,
> enhances the body's natural defenses against illness, and promotes
> vitality and longevity. Gold Mineral Water is believed to be helpful
> with: brain function, depression, despair, fear, circulatory problems,
> drug/alcohol addictions, digestive disorders, gland functions, puncture
> wounds, seasonal attitude disorder, arthritis, burns, chills,
> frustration, obesity, anguish, melancholy, sorrow, heat flashes, and
> night sweats.
> Hope this helps.
> chc
> --
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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>