Please take note:  3 weeks of antibiotics is grossly
inadequate, regardless of use of colloidal silver.  If your
doctor refuses to prescribe 6 weeks, you need another

Go to and carefully view "Guidelines
for Managing Lyme Disease" by Dr. Joseph Burrascano for more
sound details regarding diagnosis and antibiotic treatment
of Lyme disease.  There is a lot of old, outdated and
harmful information used by too many doctors still regarding
treating Lyme disease, resulting in preventable
undertreatment, misdiagnosis, and chronic illness.

I've had chronic Lyme for who knows how long, and 3/4 of my
sons have had it too.  One was recently reinfected with no
bulls eye rash apparent.  Caught early and treated long
enough with proper antibiotics (six weeks) there likely will
be no relapse for your child.  (Of course, reinfection by
another tick can occur as did with my youngest child.)

Antibiotics were very useful in treating me, but colloidal
went beyond what the antibiotics could with my advanced

Also beware of the possibility of coinfection by another
bacteria from the tick.

For more info, visit my web pages: and .  Also, for my info
page (pros, cons, instructions, my experience with CS for
Lyme disease.)

Mild silver protein is a type of colloidal silver that is so
concentrated that it requires a gelatin type protein to keep
the silver evenly distributed, fostering longer shelf life
and salability of the product.

Home made colloidal silver does not require this because it
is used regularly and shelf life is not an issue.

There is no need to use salt to make CS.  Some people use a
tiny bit of salt or baking soda as an electrolyte to get the
process started sooner though.  Some people caution against
using salt because it produces silver chloride.  In large
quantities, silver chloride could be harmful.  At the least,
it binds up silver that could have been available in ionic
form for CS otherwise.

An alternative to speeding the process is to use 1/4 of
previously made CS and 3/4 distilled water.

Color could be indicative of oxidation of the silver.  The
faster the silver is made (i.e., by preheating or warming
the water), the more this color is apt to occur.  Exposure
to light can darken CS too, so it should be kept in a glass
jar that is either opaque, kept in a box, or cobalt blue or
brown glass.  Color of CS may also be indicative of larger
particles.  The paler, supposedly the smaller.  Smaller
particles can reach more restricted areas of the body and
presumably pass out of the body more easily as well.

I have reference links to excerpts of Zane Baranowski's
"Colloidal Silver, the Antibiotic Alternative" which has a
good discussion on color of colloidal silver and the
implications as well as other information about CS on my
colloidal silver page.

Nancy B.

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Pickel <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, July 10, 1998 1:22 AM
Subject: CS or MSP?

>what is the difference between Collodial Silver and Mild
Silver Protein?  Also, I have read that when "home cooking"
CS that it should be 1) clear and 2) it should be amber.
Also that salt shouldn't be added, and then that salt SHOULD
be added...???
>Obviously I am new at this.  I was just dx with Lyme a week
ago (bulleyes rash) and put on antibiotics for 3 weeks.  I
have heard such good things about CS that I want to give it
a try, but these questions have me curious as to what is
>Karen Pickel
>Over The Fence Graphics and Web Design
>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
>Consciousness:  That annoying time between naps.
>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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