The applause you hear in the background is mine.  Probably a host
of others, as well.  When a person of a different ethnic background
makes me angry, I don't indict their ancestors.

Our doctor doesn't run the AMA.  Many priests I have known (though
I'm not Catholic) have VERY different opinions than their church.
Were they to make that common knowledge, they'd lose not only their
credibility with the masses ('scuse the pun,) but very possibly
their jobs.  My brother is CEO of a large corporation, but with
politics involved I feel reasonably sure he bridles his tongue
(and his practice.)  There IS a place for politics.  It keeps us
from devolving into "is not..." "is,too..." incoherency.  We
want to get our point across as efficiently and acceptably as
possible.  And I believe that to be true of those doctors who
KNOW about good alternative treatments, yet who have been hired
under the constraints that don't allow them to openly use unapproved

BLESS 'EM.  Many of them are doing the best that they can, with what
they have, where they are.  We are doing the same.  I, for one,
agree with Mike that we need to get along (and cut some slack.)

Wil C.

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