Hi all!  Marsh asked me to re-post this...


Greetings and welcome to the silver-list. This FAQ will give you a
brief introduction to the world of Colloidal Silver and an overview by
way of a few decent web sites.


First, please understand that a *lot* of what you'll find online
about colloidal silver (CS) is imprecise, unscientific, and hype.
There are almost no controlled studies of any kind. There is precious
little objective data to back up even the most fundamental claims.

Also, there is a backlash against colloidal silver from "debunkers"
who will do everything in their power to scare you away through
exaggeration and fear. They dismiss *all* favorable evidence and
results in apparent overreaction to the plentiful CS hype. Their
claims do not hold up in the face of readily available facts. 

Most of the information you receive will be anecdotal testimony, to be
taken on faith or common sense until you can verify it yourself. And
be forewarned, you'll find yourself rubbing shoulders with advocates
of every kind of "alternative" medicine, from time honored to wildly

What persists, when all is said and done, are the compelling
accounts of people who have successfully treated some very serious
conditions. They are not trying to sell you anything, but only want
others to be helped as they have been. It is these people that have
made me want to discover the truth about colloidal silver.


A good jumping off point is this article by Peter Lindemann which lays
the groundwork and points out some of the mythology that confuses the


Commercial CS Generators:

These sites are good sources of CS information and low voltage
direct current CS generators:

   Elixa, http://www.elixa.com
   Sota Instruments, http://www.sota-inc.com/index.html

A variety of more sophisticated high-voltage AC and DC generators are
offered by:

   CS Pro Systems, http://www.csprosystems.com/

Build Your Own CS Generators:

It's easy and inexpensive to build your own CS generator. Plans and
instructions as well as kits and pre-wired units can be found at these
individuals' web sites:

   Mark Metcalf, http://www.silversolutions.com/ 
      Read his Article One and Article Two, linked at the bottom of
      the left-hand frame

   Thomas Miller, http://www.bioelectrifier.com/
      The link to the CS generator is near the bottom of the page.

Other Information And Product Sources:

      They sell an interesting sounding book by a "Dr. Hill." They
      have excerpts on line.

   http://www.escape.ca/~revive/  and 
      These folks sell a mild silver protien product that is quite
      carefully made. A lot of good silver info on their site. 

      The online version of a booklet about CS. The author indulges in
      a couple of radically speculative scientific theories, but the
      information on CS is helpful.


When you browse these sites you will inevitably find conflicting
information about different products or methods. Especially, many
vendors will claim their products are "unique" or "superior" or the
"only safe and effective CS." Take such claims with a grain of salt!

There are also many other sites and resources. In no way do I wish to
imply by the inclusion or exclusion of any site that this is the best
there is. Nor do I endorse everything, or necessarily anything, you
will find in them.

I hope that exploring these sites will give you an idea of what CS is,
how it is made and used, and some of the issues that are being debated
among different vendors and experimentors. 

If you have more questions or need help getting started, feel free to
ask for help on the silver-list.

The silver-list is a moderated, non-commercial forum for discussion of
Colloidal Silver and related topics. We steer clear of religious and
political topics, and stay close to our central mission of learning
about CS, helping interested newcomers get started, and supporting our
efforts to be healthier.

Thank you for reading this far. I hope to get to know you on the

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

*** DISCLAIMER: I'm not a doctor and I don't dispense medical
advice. None of the materials spoken of or referenced here are
intended to take the place of the advice of a competent professional.
If you choose to experiment with anything found in any of the above,
you are solely responsible for ascertaining its safety and
suitability and seeking professional opinion before proceeding. 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com  -or-  silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>