-----Original Message-----
From: W. D. Cavanaugh <chuck...@iamerica.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Wednesday, July 01, 1998 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: Testing CS/grapefruit seed extract

>Nancy and others have addressed the "brain fog" problem
>a lot of folks seem to be experiencing-- maybe it's
>been a problem, just not talked about <?>  I recently took
>an I.Q. test in which I tested as a dolt for the first time
>in my life.  I followed Bob Beck's advice to get off
>onion/scallion/leek, and started drinking a cup of coffee a
>day.  What I call "chatter" in my brain ceased.
>Wil Cavanaugh

There are a lot of different causes for "brain fog."  But
this is a chief neurological symptom of Lyme disease which
does improve with antibiotics.

Wish I could enjoy caffeinated coffee but it gives me
palpitations.  I've never been able to try using coffee to
keep me alert or just for the pleasure of it.


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