> Sam Allen at the company responded with the following:
> "Regarding testing procedures, these are quite standardized and reliable.
> Laboratories have to be accurate to get repeat business.  Known strains of
> microorganisms are placed in vitro in measured quantities, and the
> germicide is introduced in succeedingly smaller parts per million, until no
> inhibitory effect is established.  This procedure generally is performed by
> hundreds, then tens, until you get into single numbers. (Why the report
> said 10 to 100 times more effective.) This then provides us with an MIC, or
> 'Minimum Inhibitory Concentration'.  This has been consistently the easiest
> and most reliable way to test the effectiveness of any anti-microbial
> agent.
Will since they have the lab report, I wonder if they would want to part
a copy of it? A lot of companies say they have lab reports, but for some
never produce them. The better ones do however.

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