Hello John! Welcome to the silver list.

My mother suffered with probably the worst case of psoriasis you'll 
ever see, with lesions that came and went over her entire body, often 
covering as much as 30-40% of her skin area at one time. Needless to 
say she was not a happy person. I wish I had known about CS twenty 
years ago and could have helped her try it.

I'll echo Marsha's suggestions. Try CS at a reasonable dose by mouth, 
and experiment with topical application too. Try moistening gause 
pads or bandages and holding them on a patch of skin overnight, or as 
much of the time as you can manage, for a week or so and see if 
anything happens. Use a gentle adhesive paper tape to hold it.

Taking it by both routes I think you can see if there is a general 
clearing up and whether or not topical application makes any 

Let's document what CS you're going to be using (brand name or the
recipe used to make it) and the dose you decide on, and then follow
things along for the next month or two. You might want to keep a
journal in which to record your protocol, results and any
environmental and emotional conditions that might affect you.

I'd really appreciate it if you would let us come along on your 
journey. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

Be well,

Mike D.

On 27 Jun 98 at 7:20, silver-list@eskimo.com wrote:

> This is the first time I have sent mail on the Internet so I hope it
> is all right. I suffer from Psoriasis and have done for a long time,
> I have tried all sorts of treatment but no luck so far I am now
> trying colloidal silver . I was hoping that someone might be able to
> help me , how much do I take and should I spray some CS on it . A
> few years ago I had Arthritis and took colloidal silver and in a few
> months it had gone and so far it has not come back so I hope I can
> do the same thing with Psoriasis.
> John 
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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