Hi List, Well here is what you have all be waiting for! I did the experiment today using the yogurt and the colloidal silver. First I poured the "water" off the top of some yogurt. Then I made a slide using a drop of this. Checked this out (using a darkfield microscope and a power of 432x) and it was pretty active. Then I added enough CS to the rest to make it about a 40% CS solution (just a guess, a little less than 50/50). I let this set for about 10 minutes or so. Then I made a slide with a drop of this solution. It too was fairly active. Next I let both slides set for about 8 hours, and checked them again. This time the slide WITHOUT the CS was less active, and the slide WITH CS was more active. It did not kill the good bacteria, but in fact may have made it more active. My idea of how this happened is the colloidal silver may have killed out the bad bacteria and allowed the good to grow or become more active. The slide without the CS still had the bad bacteria growning that was hampering the good. Don't know, just an idea. I will try this experiment again to see if I get the same results. Also, I want to let some milk spoil and look at the bad bacteria in it, and then treat it with CS to see what happens. I also want to test different CS batches made in different ways as well. This CS was made in heated water with a bit of sea salt. I would guess the ppm is in the range of 25 to 35 ppm. This is just a guess, but it did look pretty good under the darkfield. I'll post more later as I get a chance to try the different experiments. Take care. Jim Einert, N.D.
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