
Good post, but I saw one thing that caught my eye.  I see your reasoning
here regarding Olestra, but there are some subtle differences.  From what I
understand, Olestra is an additive that apparently has not been subject to
the same long term studies required for many other additives.  Olestra
apparently causes very severe abdominal distress in some people in small
quantities, thus the labeling is deceptive and fails to accurately portray
the type of symptoms that some might experience.  Finally, most people (some
children excused for obvious reasons) realize that raisins, prunes and most
other fruits can and will cause diarrhea and abdominal distress.  Olestra is
not a familiar "food" and probably is not recognizable to the majority of
the people eating it.  If anything, the industry has underlabeled and
inadequately warned those who are using the products with Olestra.  Anyhow,
I'm sure that you already know and realize all of this.  I just thought I'd
add a point of clarification for some who may not have had exposure to


-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy B. <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, June 22, 1998 8:33 AM
Subject: A Closer Look at Silver & Argyria: was Re: Colloidal Silver (The
Jacobs story)

>Reminds me of the Olestra conflict too.  Should raisins &
>prunes carry a warning label that they may cause abdominal
>pain & diarrhea if Olestra has too?


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