I have a friend who has hepatitis C, and is very symptomatic. He is
going to start taking colloidal silver on an experimental basis, and was
told by a friend that most generators don't generate correct particle
size. Of course his friend's colloidal silver costs big bucks. His
friend said that most colloidal silver is "too big," and that it does
not get into the blood easily. Of course, with blood born diseases such
as hepatitis C, colloidal silver will have little effect if it can't get
into the blood. His friend's answer was to make colloidal silver with
about 100,000 volts. His friend said that this produced a much smaller
particle size. I'm not sure, but I think my friend thought the voltage
was pulsed.

This has probably been discussed before, if so maybe someone can re-post
the info. Also, if anyone has anecdotal information on colloidal silver
as regards hepatitis, I would appreciate it.

-- Gabe

AIM: sagress, ICQ: 11424803
SNAIL: Box 307, Lobelville, TN  37097
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