On news:sci.med.diseases.lyme I found an announcement for a Lyme research

I'm not a researcher and don't want to join the list, but did go to the home
page about it--

lyme-l-requ...@home.ease.lsoft.com and decided to submit the following
(long) letter below suggesting someone research colloidal silver once and
for all.

Thank you for posting about your Lyme research list at the Lyme disease news
group.  I am delighted that such a list exists!

Please bear with my inquiry; detail is included in hope that someone you
have contact with may be interested in researching this further.  I don't
belong on your mailing list.  I do not have the background or financial
means to design or conduct research regarding Lyme disease.  On behalf of
the thousands of individuals suffering from advanced Lyme disease, I
earnestly would appreciate contact with anyone on your list interested in
studying a possible remedy or treatment I've come across.

I am not a researcher but an unemployed (by choice) registered nurse.  I
would like to bring to your attention that there are many people
self-medicating with colloidal silver (both commercial preparations and home
made preparations) for Lyme disease who have subjectively speaking, gotten
favorable results.  Some have claimed to be asymptotic following several
weeks self-medicating, no longer requiring treatment of any kind.
Apparently colloidal silver was used in the past (pre antibiotics) to treat
syphilis and other bacterial infections.

I am well aware that many doctors and researchers would consider studying
colloidal silver a waste of time.  However, having been on many different
antibiotics for Lyme disease and having  tried colloidal silver myself, I
think differently.

I know of physicians who, although professionally have chosen not to
"prescribe" colloidal silver, have provided information or approved of self
medication with colloidal silver for Lyme disease.  One doctor provides an
article about it for those who ask (cited later in my letter).

I began using home made colloidal silver October, 1996, after plateauing on
26 months of various helpful antibiotics for advanced Lyme disease.
Personally, I have been able to maintain a high level of health since then,
subjectively improving from 85% post antibiotics to a current 95-98% well
(aside from occasional problems with allergies).

It 's been 20 months now, and, although I've had some minor symptoms on
occasion, I have not had to use any antibiotics for any type of infection
since I began using CS.  (I used to have 3 or 4 sinus infections a year
requiring antibiotics.)  I do notice increase in symptoms when I stop taking
colloidal silver for several days or weeks, though.  I have concluded that
CS at the dose and strength I've been taking keeps the bacteria in check but
has not eliminated it altogether.  I don't believe I've taken it as
consistently or in the dosage that others claiming full recovery have used.

I am aware of several people who are or have used colloidal silver for Lyme
disease with apparent success; many of us participate on a mailing list of
mostly "lay people"  and homeopath type health care providers called

We strongly desire that someone or some group of professionals with a strong
scientific research background would look into the effectiveness of
colloidal silver seriously.  There are questions about its safety,
effectiveness, proper strength and dosage, and how it actually works.  The
only medical data I've found on the subject is a general critique of all
silver medications based on studies linking over-used highly concentrated,
large particle silver salts and accidental industrial exposure to argyria.
I believe this information has erroneously applied to colloidal silver.
Colloidal silver in its various forms (electro colloidal, ground, suspended
in protein) needs to be examined individually.

None of the studies cited identified any findings specific colloidal silver,
which has a much smaller particle size (presumably more easily eliminated
from the body than prescription silver salts) and of a much smaller
concentration (far closer to the U.S. daily referred dose of silver than
one would get using prescription silver products for any period of time.)
The article I refer to is "Silver Products for Medical Indications:
Risk-Benefit Assessment", Clinical Toxicology, v.34, #1, pp 119-126, 1996,
authored by Man C. Fung& Debra L. Bowen.

Also, many doctors are telling patients that apparent success of  colloidal
silver simply a "placebo effect."  I take exception to that; I have kept
close observation of myself since I began using colloidal silver and have no
reason to doubt it has helped me get better.

But without proper scientific study, my own findings are not a valid either.
As I stated earlier, I've found that I've improved while taking it, and
regressed when discontinuing it.  In addition, the improvement I've made
exceeded that which I made on potent antibiotics.  Recurrent symptoms that
have improved or abated include neurological, joint and muscle symptoms.

Below my signature is an excerpt from http://cassia.jerseycape.net/new.htm.
It includes an interesting observation by a veterinarian regarding
prevention and treatment of Lyme disease (Ledum in a 1M potency, which
apparently some people have tried out with success).  (The writer of the
page is a fellow Lyme victim who has a pre-med background.)

There is also reference on that page to a Lyme survey (on another web site:
http://metroweb.ll.net/Lyme ) under way by a nurse practitioner.  She is
collecting subjective findings from the patient's perspective of what
non-prescription treatments have been found helpful for Lyme disease.
Perhaps something interesting will surface through her survey.

Many thanks for your time.

Nancy Berntsen
(mail address, etc.)

Excerpt regarding Ledum

Lyme Disease and Homeopathy
by Stephen Tobin, DVM

As a holistic veterinarian, I have treated several hundred cases of Lyme
disease in the past five years. After trying various homeopathic
preparations with only limited success, I found that Ledum in a 1M potency
is about as close as you can get to a specific cure. I have use it in dogs,
cats, and horses, and it does not seem to matter whether it is a recent
infection, a year old, treated or untreated --- they all respond curatively,
I have not had a single case that did not improve. The conventional
treatment for Lyme Disease is a course of antibiotics, usually amoxicillin
or doxycycline. This works quite well in most cases of recent infection, but
hardly at all in long-standing cases.

Homeopathic Treatment Effective
While I do not treat human beings, some of my clients with animals suffering
from Lyme disease have taken Ledum 1M for their own lyme disease infections,
after seeing the positive result with their animals. The feedback I have
gotten is all positive.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>