Gee Mike and gang,

Little old me didn't realize that by posting the address of a company
selling a small solar panel, I would set off world war III.  Oops.  Well, I
was only trying to offer someone a cheap solar panel that I had found and
thought would charge a few rechargeable batteries.  I'm not an EE, but I
still think it would work too.  But then I'm only using a little 36 V. dc.
CS generator, and I only run it once a week or so, therefore I don't need
much power and I don't need it quickly.  Cisco, I wouldn't know what to do
with 15 gals a week<smile>.  One of my little rechargeable 9 volts says to
charge at 11-20 MA for 16 hours.  So would the little solar panel of 12 V,
166 ma, 2 W. work????  Or would I need 2 or 3 of them?  Now I'm really


-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour <>
To: <>;
Date: Monday, May 25, 1998 4:05 PM
Subject: The MODERATOR checks in...

On 25 May 98 at 14:25, Carl wrote:

> Observation:    It seems to me that the "$450" solar panel was to
> recharge the batteries and not to directly make the silver from the
> energy from the panels but rather make the silver using the
> batteries that where charged from the panels
> But I could be wrong...

And indeed, I'd like to point out that a "personal size" solar CS
system could be made very nicely with a (few) $20 panel(s), gel cell
batteries and a charging circuit. Such observation made entirely
*without* resort to self aggrandizing attacks upon the person of any
other member of the list.

> A comment:    Could both of you boys take your pissing contest off
> line????

No need, Carl. The offending half of the pissing contest is off-line.
The offended half is calming down, I hope!

Darryll has been unsubscribed and blocked. I must apologize to the
list in general and in particular Cisco and those with comments about
"dead" water, for subjecting you all to a second and third round with
him, but it seemed there was hope for a while there and I left him
alone while we discussed things in private e-mail.

A regrettable case. Darryll has more to offer the list than was
visible on the surface (based on e-mail). However he couldn't resist
"correcting" the intellectual content of the list to his own
standards before taking part.

I hardly think we rate an attack by the alt.synax.tactical crew, but
this surely was a bizarre thing to watch. Every time I sought even a
minor concession from him he'd change the subject.

In any case, let me be clear what happened:

This individual made *attacks* against other members of the list,
ridiculing ideas that he disagreed with and the people who offered
them. This will stifle discussion more than any other sort of

We have diverse opinions represented on the silver-list. Whether you
are skeptical of "alternative gibberish" or suspicious of "mainstream
tyranny" others have the right to their opinions. I will not stop
anyone from offering their views if they're civil about it.

I only ask that, if it isn't central to colloidal silver, we stay
polite with one another and agree to disagree.

This episode points up the need for me to write out the mission and
rules for the list so that they can go out to new arrivals and be
reposted periodically. Darryll might have known to change his
strategy before egos got inflamed. Or not! Who knows? <G>

Thanks for your patience and cooperation, everyone.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list moderator

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <>

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour <>