
>So you been to Guam...eh and it is just like Downtown LA!....your a
MORON....did you see a Radio Shack?.....

Better than that about 40 electronic stores in one street, and Continental
and other US carriers are daily ... a UPS parcel would be there in 24
hours, you could even get things there quicker from Australia ! 

How bout...$1.79 per gallon US

We pay near double that in Australia, and manage to get by OK 

>...how about $5.00 per gallon of Milk....$6.00 per pound for
good meat, and $3.00 for a good apple(one)...ever try to get a part for
your Rife machine here? or have you ever tried to get .999 Silver

I could get it to you in 24 hours.

>eh how about a transistor for your output circuit or a simple
probe for your Oscope.....how bout an average income of $5.50 per
hour....did you also see 35% unemployed.....have you been to YAP,
Saipan, Majuro, Chuuk, Phonipe, Maug Islands, Peleau.....

Guam yes
Yap yes
Truk yes 
Saipan yes 

>how about

It is spelt Indonesia
and I speak fluent Indonesian

Apa Kabar Cisco
Kenapa kamu di Guam?
Untuk apa kamu mara mara ke saya ?
Kenapa kamu hanya bohong disini ?
Monkin kamu hanya marbok  lagi? 

>hey that is cool place, people gettin killed for not liking
the government...

they did not get killed for not liking the government ...they died while
they were looting and other looters set fire to the shops.

>.and 3500 per year die from Maleria....and 2000 from

its a big country

>tourists go.....

yes I have been to most parts regularly

>did ya see the pain in the childrens eyes or the elderly
dying with no hope...

No not once ...you must be talking about another country ??

>did you do more than drink beer 

I do not drink

>and walk around
spending yer money....how about it...what did you look for...what did
you see and what did you do....did you seek the actual people back from
what yer allowed to see as a tourist 

I have never known of any area in Indonesia off bounds to anyone?   

>or did you play tourist....

No I make regular  trips to all parts of Indonesia 

 >Guam aint to bad....

No its more like a regular state of the USA 

>but it aint Indonesia nor is it Papua New Guinea.....but
have you really looked....have you really tried to see....I doubt
it....yer a selfcentered person as I said before....you see what you
want and you have all the answers....go into politics....you fit the
mold....no insight, little fortitude, and no vision....hey Clinton could
use you as a friend.....no GRIT!

Well seems like you want to just abuse me for trying to tell people they
can easily make C/S with a $20.00 Solar panel.


Darryl wrote:
> Well Cisco I know you don't want to reply to my emails anymore, or simply
> will not ...but you must understand when you give out such authoritative
> advise over such a wide range of things, if no one else is prepared to
> tackle you when you are wrong again,  there is always me.
> Here we find that you are advising people to spend US $450.00 plus to do
> job that only $20.00 or $30.00 can easily do, in this case I am talking
> about Australian Dollars nearly half what you would spend with US dollars
> in your remote site at Guam!
> Sorry folks about the exclamation mark, but I have been to Guam on many
> occasions and it is not any more remote than downtown LA, and very
> if at all more expensive.
> Cisco you have to understand that making C/S is possible with a few 9
> batteries in series, or for those with only a modicum of electronic
> expertise, a simple voltage multiplier will
> " pump" 9 volts to 30 volts from a single 9 volt battery ....either way a
> dollar investment in the less than $ 30.00 dollars Australian or even
> than $20.00 US ..... for a suitable solar panel to do the same thing
> Australian dollars will easily do it.
> You see current required is only about 10 milli amps in a well designed
> circuit to generate the best quality C/S ....this can be done with the
> cheapest of Solar Panels ...even putting out as low as 4.5 volts, and a
> suitable " voltage pump "  will still be in the less than $20.00
>  [ Australian  ]....I think you have confused what you need to charge
> batteries in your boat that goes to all the " outer islands ", with
> C/S, which is a far easier task.
> I have done my best to say this as politely as possible, if I am
> to be still uncivil by the above then I would ask those reading this to
> consider that I too came to this list learn and contribute, when stuff is
> real wrong and newcomers have come to learn ....then what is the value of
> having some one who can contribute sitting back and saying well this
> is very wrong, and it is going to mislead a lot of people, but I am
> hamstrung by the need to apologise for a contrary or even corrective
> so much that it is better to tolerate totally wrong stuff than speak up!
> Guess I have to take my chance again or just simply leave here, but some
> things remain certain, there is no such thing as distilled water being "
> dead ", and putting C/S into the soil is the surest way possible of
> the beneficial microbes needed to convert nutrients to plant available
> nutrients, and if all this is too much to believe, you definitely do not
> need a $450 US dollar solar panel to generate 10 milli amps to make the
> best possible C/S.
> I know there are more than a few equally competent electronic people here
> reading this stuff who can totally corroborate my latest input .... I
> they speak up this time.
> Darryyll
> YO!,
> This unit would run one of those toy fans ya put in yer hat....dont even
> go there....that is a hour rating.....it wont even charge a 9vdc
> battery.....the unit I have described we use for full solar power to
> maintain our life style....no $20 unit is gonna produce the power you
> need.....look further into it....it is not so simple. I use 3 Solar
> panels to charge ONE bank of batteries.....they are 2 X 4 feet in
> diamention.....this wont do the trick....good thought but not the one it
> will take to make silver.
> Cisco
> It's not me wrote:
> >
> > Nancy,
> > Here's a company that sells a fairly cheap solar panel that puts out 12
> V,
> > 166 ma.  I don't know if 3 would put out enough juice to run your
> or
> > not, but they are about $20.00 each.  Let us know if you try it and it
> > works.
> http://www.sciplus.com/cgi-bin/basket/892105184.47/wired/26325.html
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Nancy B. <silverwo...@bigfoot.com>
> > To: Silver-List <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> > Date: Sunday, May 24, 1998 4:32 PM
> > Subject: Using Solar to Make CS
> >
> > >Repost: did this go through the first time?  I haven't seen it.
> > >
> > >Colloidal silver made with solar energy
> > >
> > >Has this topic come up before?  I'd like to know how feasible it would
> be
> > to
> > >convert a 27 volt battery powered or 24 ac to dc powered CS generator
> > >solar (perhaps interchangeable).  I use the simple homemade generator
> with
> > >two silver wires attached to the electric source (a 24 volt ac to dc
> > >generator concealed in a plastic box) by alligator clips and wire,
> an
> > >external light bulb I ignore most of the time.
> > >
> > >I know Radio Shack sells little solar gizmos but how much voltage can
> you
> > >get out of them?
> > >
> > >Is it feasible to make colloidal silver this way in the event of a
> > out
> > >(for whatever reason:  you ran out of batteries, ran into hurricanes,
> > >tornadoes, Y2Ks, you didn't pay your electric bill, you ran away,...)
> > >
> > >I really don't want to be without this stuff for more than a few days
> a
> > >time.  I like it so much better than antibiotics, and it may be the
> > >thing that works if the antibiotic crisis (bacterial resistance)
> continues
> > >as it has been.
> > >
> > >Sincerely,
> > >Nancy
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >--
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> > >
> > >To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > >
> > >List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>
> > >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
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> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>