
I've had that problem when taking CS orally.  I just take a capsule or two
of Acidophilus (8 Billion count each) daily.  I get 120 caps for about 13.75
American, so it works out to about 11 to 22 cents per day depending on how
much I take.  I also eat yogurt regularly.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Matzka <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, May 24, 1998 6:28 PM
Subject: CS and digestive bacteria

>There has been some talk of taking oral CS may disrupt the good bacteria
>we all have in our digestive systems.
>Now that I'll be taking CS fairly regularly I figured that to counteract
>any decline in the good bugs, that I would counteract by eating some
>live yoghurt every day. Also there recently came on the market here in
>South Australia a product called Yakult which has live Lactobacillus
>casei Shirota strain. I have no idea how good this stuff is but if you
>believe the brochures it is just the stuff for re establishing a healthy
>intestinal population.
>Any thoughts on the my "theory" ?
>Also do we have any expert yoghurt makers out there? This Yakult stuff
>is about 70c for a small daily dose bottle (30 mls) and if anybody is
>familiar with it or it's making I'd like to try to "cultivate" my own.
>Thanks in advance.
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