
Lets try this again with proper spelling the moron might just get his
message through!.....Jeezz I need spell check!

--- Begin Message ---

I have had a multitude of requests for further information on how to
make a system for colliodal silver from solar or wind power. I will do
some further research for this List as the products we are forced to
utilize are rather inovative and there are obviously easier ways to
build a system.


Utilizing a solar panel to charge a battery or bank of batteries is a
slow process and usually requires an area where you have many days of
sun exposure. One system we utilize requires 3 Solar Panels. One for
each of the batteries to be charged, the panels are 16+ volts for
charging the 12 vdc Deep Cycle Marine batteries, and a 8-9 vdc panel for
the 6 vdc Deep Cycle Marine battery. By connecting the batteries in
series you get 30vdc. We use a 6 foot .999 Silver electrode on each wire
and separate them quite wide....we utilize a laser pointer to tell us we
are in the neighborhood of the values we want. We then utilize a very
sensitive Ohm meter to give us a working ratio for production. This
sysyem works rather quickly and produces a good product for human
consumption. We have had several batches made completely in 11 minutes
and depending on the battery condition it has taken as long as an one must monitor the situation closely. These panels sell for
around $400.00 US each but have a 15 year life. Temperature has little
effect on the working of the solar panel, but it can slow it slightly if
sub-zero temps are reached.


This is the most efficient system for battery charging.  Although the
cost in some cases can stiffel your pocket book. The unit we utilize is
made in Austrailia and has the capibility of outputing 20amps. It has an
adjustable output for voltage from 12 volts DC to 32 volts DC. This
makes it ideal for charging the 30vdc bank as one system and not require
three wind generators to do the job. These units sell for about $850.00

We have gone so far as to utilize a Delco Alternator w/built in voltage
regulator and drove it with a wind turbine of our own fabrication the
total unit cost us about $100.00 US to build. It only charges the system
of twelve volt batteries and requires a small unit to lower the voltage
to charge the 6 volt battery.

The design and technical layout for these systems is being done for me
on a friends site when it is completed I will advise those still
interested where to look.

We have converted many homes to these systems and people are completely
self-sufficient from power companies. With a little adjustment you can
have all the systems you now have with very low maintenance and low cost
per year for power. This does not apply in places where neither wind nor
sun can be had for months at a time....but even in Wisconsin we had
these systems on line and functional. For the making of CS we have been
forced to find alternatives to make the product in places where
transporting the already made product would not be suitable. 

As it stands the different groups now produce 5 gallon per village per
week. Except where wells are being treated and in those cases the
production exceeds 5 gallon per day. The largest production day recorded
was 25 gallons which was for the initial treatment of a village well.

I hope this offers some insight for you into the Solar CS making
projects we utilize.....


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