>I can at least speculate a mechanism where distilled water might not be the best thing going under certain circumstances. >Most of what's in the world is soluble in water at least to some extent. <grin> If you drink some distilled water, osmosis will take place until some equilibrium is reached between what's going on in your tissues and the water you've added to your system. Mike ...are you suggesting that distilled water will dissolve your body??? >Some minerals from your body will end up "dissolved" in the additional water. Not really ....the water passes through your bowels not your body, it is blood that flows through your body not water, if you want to dump unwanted toxins from your body you need a " blotting paper " water [ such as distilled ] , not an overloaded tap water, mineral water, spring water, etc If you want good water to make your blood from, why have the water laced with all the intentionally, and accidentally added chemicals found in tap water? Also what do you mean by " additional water " ? Try thinking of tap water as a substance with "additional " unwanted contaminants, not pure [distilled water ] as "additional water " Or worse the overloaded minerals of dreaded " mineral water " [ better known as fossil water ]. God [ Nature which ever ] gave us "cleaned " distilled rain water for us to drink, he/her [ nature ! ] provides this for the plants we eat, the lawn we grow, the flowers we plant, why is the soil not " barren " and the flowers dead, and the plants not flourishing, and the animals dying, if distilled water is something so dangerous as to be avoided? Did you ever notice how well your garden, farm, lawn, livestock improved after good old rain [ distilled water ] falls ???? ....did you ever try to get the same result with bore water full of fossil minerals? ....you will probably kill the plants, lawn etc. Did you never notice that farmers pray for rain, not a tap? Good old distilled water !!! If your body needs calcium for example, get it from milk, drinking fossil water from an underground aquifer is the wrong type of calcium. While these myths abound about distilled water people are denied the one thing that is so simple to do to regain your health ....drink PURE water. There are no " bugs " in distilled water because there is no nutrient for them to live on! A small home distiller is all you need for all your drinking water, cooking water, and colloidal silver making, keep the lid on after you make distilled water, and the pH will be just right, almost all modern home distillers are not closed systems, and are designed to re oxygenate the distilled water as they make it. >*IF* you have a diet strongly deficient in a given trace mineral, wouldn't it gradually be diluted and depleted from your tissues to some fairly low level? After time your body would become as barren as the soil in which your food is grown. We don't eat the soil we eat the plants, I have seen nothing that suggests yet that plants are somehow without nutrient ?? In any case where are barren soils producing plants? Or conversely what is wrong with adding some organic nutrients ....say worm casts made from your kitchen scraps to your soil if you are growing your own, or only buying certified organic produce. Get you nutrients from the plants in their organic form, and dump the toxins your liver rejects into a water such as pure water [ ie distilled ] able to uptake and rid your body of the rejected stuff. >This assumes, of course, that your tap water normally contains enough of the same trace mineral to help the body obtain and retain it. Your body can not uptake inorganic minerals from tap water, but it can be harmed by the many chemicals in tap water, so better not assume. >This is simple-minded speculation on my part. I don't have a good gut feeling one way or another on whether distilled water is bad/good for you, or under which circumstances it's even important. I think we've seen some good comments on both sides of the issue. As you can see I believe in distilled water ...25 years of drinking it, cooking with it, and now making C/S with it, and 25 years of good health, have lead me to one conclusion ....the myths about the negative aspects of distilled water, are nothing more than myths, and every time you examine these myths with an open mind they are easily demolished. Darryyll -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>