Hello all -

I'm sure many of you know of me by now. With all the reminding and
whining I've done about having Cystic Fibrosis, I thought you'd all find
the following tale encouraging:

After almost dying 5 months ago, I left the hospital determined NOT to
check out just yet. A major part of that determination rested on the
daily usage of CSilver -- whether I "felt" it doing anything or not! I
began hitting this disease with everything I've got, both in terms of
knowledge *and* machinery. So I started using a product called "Silver
Mineral Water" from a company called WaterOz, which I'd bought earlier
but used little of. It is completely clear and comes in a clear plastic
bottle and claims to have 100+ PPM silver content (I never had it tested
so can't say for sure)... all the "no-no's" of what silver water is
supposed to look like and be contained in (according to some folks on
the list). With this illness, one of the key ways for determining what's
going on with our (non-stop) lung infections is to get a "mucous
culture" -- we literally cough up as much as possible and it is sent to
a lab for "culturing" over a 9-day period to see what grows. These
cultures are done once a month. Yesterday my doctor told me that my last
five cultures have been free of staph infections, which is usually
on-going with us CF victims; no matter what else is growing in there,
staph is almost always present. In fact, my last culture was "clear"
altogether -- meaning that it was identical to what a "healthy" person's
culture would look like if the same test were done on them. This is
almost unheard of in the CF world! Since my general diet over the past
22 years has been quite good (including juicing) we'll rule out any
radical dietary shift as being the cause for improvement. Therefore the
only things I've been doing differently are :

1) Drinking WaterOz silver water (1/2 ounce in the morning on an empty
stomach and 1/2 ounce at night on empty).

2) Drinking ozonated water from a med-grade ozone machine through-out
the day (but I only started that 3 weeks or so ago).

3) Drinking fresh carrot-garlic-apple juice from an ACME juicer, with 3
to 5 cloves of garlic PRESSED into each glass of fresh juice, then
swallowing the skins while drinking the juice. Pressing the garlic is
important as this causes an enzymatic chemical reaction which enhances
the power of garlic. As stated above: I've been juicing for 22 years but
only recently began adding garlic. At this point neither friend nor foe
can stand to be near me, but at least the lung infections are at bay. It
also helps if you live in a high-vampire community.

So I'm forced to believe at this time that the silver had/has much to do
with this markedly improved situation. I also know that volumes have
been written about the "miracles" of garlic's power and fresh juicing,
so that no doubt helped. But I've been more consistent with the silver
than the garlic/juice, so *IF* I had to choose, it would be the silver
water. Who knows... maybe it *is* the combination of all three forces!
No matter, it means I don't have to be on several very toxic drugs in
high dosages that make me almost as sick as the illness itself. And
that, to me, is like Christmas everyday!


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