No doubt the pictures captures some sort of electrical/magnetic/light
"aura", which is mildly interesting.  The problem comes in trying to
interpret what the color bands might mean.  Several things in the
photography and development could affect color, so any interpretation of
that color is just a stab in the dark.  I have not seen these booths, but I
know Kirlean <sp> Photography was popular years ago in the Psych circles and
never gained any serious respect.  Save your money, this stuff is closer to
slight of hand than science.
-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Haack <>
To: Mike <>
Cc: <>
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: questions to the Kirlian engineer !?

>List/eners, some time ago I went to the Sydney Spirit Festival (the
>exact name escapes me) and I tried the following little experiment. I
>had my photo taken by some gadget they spruked as being able to capture
>/ photograph my aura.
>After the first shot which is a polaroid print of a colourful but hazy
>scene, I went back and paid my 10 bucks again some 30 minutes later and
>had my shot/aura taken again.
>The first pic was in the yellow and green range and the second pic was
>in the blue red range. Two totally different looking pics of the same
>person within 30 minutes.
>As far as I'm concerned these cameras at these fairs and shows are
>fraudulent as my experiment showed that an aura could not change so
>dramatically without some dramatic disruption or change to the physche
>or emotions etc etc.
>Douglas Haack, Sydney Oz
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