I guess it is time for me to come "out of the closet", and quit just being a
careful observer. I am relatively new to the list, and joined to learn what
I could about Lyme, and specifically the use of CS in combatting it. My wife
Patsy has been fighting this horrible bug (undiagnosed) for about eight
years, and it has really been a battle for both of us, but particularly for
her. When the bug got around to her eyes her eye doc almost went into shock,
called in an associate, spent about an hour studying her eyes, and finally
asked if she had ever been diagnosed with Lyme. She had not even brought up
the subject to him. That finally brought things to a head, and the other
doc's we were dealing with began to think that maybe, just maybe, her
problem might be Lyme, in spite of the conventional wisdom that there isn't
any Lyme in Texas (never mind that Bb was originally cultured from ticks and
fleas in Texas - or so I am told), and the fact that she tested negative,
repeatedly. She is now under intensive doxycycline (400 mg/day) and a host
of other medications - including steroids (just now learned of the possible
ill effects of steroids on Bb). She is definitely improving, and her doc
wants to see her again in three months, and was letting good enough alone as
regards treatment. She has not yet tried CS except on skin problems, and
time will tell whether she will choose to do so in the future. I certainly
will not suggest it without the active participation of her doc.

Now about my limited personal observations. I am amost ashamed to mention my
problems, since they are so trivial compared to the problems I hear
discussed on the list. I started treating my own problems mostly to assure
myself that it isn't all hype. It's not!

Problem Nr. 1: I am 73 years old, and all of my life since age 13 I have
been fighting, and losing, a battle with fungal nail infection. It spread
from one toenail, eventually infecting all of them. Low level pain in the
nails is something I have learned to live with, but never to like. I have
tried just about everything I ever heard of, some of which can do great
violence to the liver), and nothing has ever even come close to helping.
About the only treatment I have gotten any relief from is a Dremel Mototool
which I use to grind down the horrible, ugly, thick nails. That reduces the
pressure of the shoe on the nails, and helps a little. I might add that I
use a mask when doing this grinding because I sure as heck don't want those
bugs in my lungs!!!.

Experience with CS: I bought some 5 ppm commercial product from General
Nutrition (our local health food store), ground the nails down as thin as I
could stand, and began treating both the nails and the skin of the entire
feet with twice daily CS rubbed vigorously into them. I started about two
weeks ago. The response was instant - the pain simply went away. After a
lifetime, I almost missed it <g>. I can tell that the new nail growing in
appears to be normal. I think within a few months they will, indeed be
normal. I shall continue this treatment for the rest of my life, because
these fungus bugs are tough dudes, and will probably lie in wait for another
opportunity to make my life less enjoyable.  My wife said this morning that
my feet looked almost human :>)
Problem Nr. 2: I grew up on a farm in Hermitage Arkansas, many miles from
any dental help, and my parents who were in their 40's when I was born had
other things to do just to make ends meet other than check my dental health.
I saw my first dentist at 15, and was already a wreck. The Marine Corps
doc's in WWII did the best they could to help me, and did help a lot, but
the damage was already done. Later in my career as an officer in the Army
the doc's helped me continue the battle, and did help - crowns, bridges,
etc. At this point my gums are in such bad shape that if I don't vigorously
fight it I would lose all my teeth. For the past five or so years I have
rinsed with dilute (50/50) solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide (I told my
dentist, and now he does the same because he saw the result on my teeth -
which tightened back up - and my gums). If I miss even two days of this
treatment my toothbrush turns very red! Two weeks ago I shifted to once
daily rinse with two medicine droppers of the 5 ppm CS, and there has been
no sign of pink even on my toothbrush, and my mouth feels wonderful. This
stuff works! No ifs, ands or buts.

Problem Nr. 3: Like everyone else I get occasional skin eruptions, minor
abrasions, etc. As with Problems 1 and 2 I started using the 5 ppm CS on
these, and the result was little short of magic. I couldn't believe that
anything in the world could work this fast. Generally overnight.

Hope I haven't bored you all with this recitation. I enjoy following the
arguments (make that discussions) about the relative merits of DC vs AC, low
voltage vs. high, etc. I'm an Aggie Electrical Engineer, and one of these
days I will start making my own, and I'll probably get some of the Prof's
here in Texas A&M University to critique my work, and some of my lab friends
to run mass/Spec tests. We'll see. Meantime I'm kinda busy working with the
public schools, as you can see from my web site. I'm far from retired, and
may never!

Mike: Keep up the good work! You're very effective.  Hope to meet you

Regards to all,

Dean Woodward
Lt Col, US Army Signal Corps (Ret)
A&M Class of '61

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