Thanks to Daniel Holly for giving me the web site  for WaterOz...They are

 It would appear that their products are NOT colloidal.They are more along
the lines of the Clatk Colloidal minerals and the likes...

  They do NOT use distilled water,but underground mineral water that is
re-purified via osmosis,etc..

 In any event I have asked them more questions about their products..

Hence,I do not doubt that people are benifitting from these mineral water
products but Colloidal minerals are different.The bottom line is distilled
water which is a man made product.

 So we now have 4 types of devices that can do colloidal silver(as for
collidal gold,etc..none ?)

-gizmo battery types

-PII devices using a steady 30 Volts DC current(a real bonus over the
battery types-no waste,no filtering needed,no salt,no by-products and their
prices are CHEAP if you compare them to the battery devices..)

-Motherlode devices that produces a sort of colloidal silver(ionic)

-the CSprosystem devices that produces colloidal silver,non ionic..(?)

 I do hope that people on the list can put some of their focus on these 3
last devices that seem to give out good results,a stabilized product
and a safe one at that too.. 

 I am a bit dismayed at people trying to find safe ways via battery-gizmo
devices.These are okay ,in case of emergency-if you have a power
outage,water is unsafe,etc or if you go let us say to Mexico and want to
avoid getting the "tourists"(diarrhea).

 Now if someoner could come up with a portable system similar to a PII
device-using a car battery or otherwise,then that would be a viable
alternative if the results of said CSilver at same as an original PII device !



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