You are absolutely right.  I received what they call a Trojan horse this
very way using free agent.  I actually double clicked unintentionally and
thought "what are the chances?".  I let it go instead of stopping and it
turned out to be a bat file and it promptly launched and hosed my .dll files
and some other vital windows stuff.  From what I've read though, it is
unlikely you can get a serious virus with a text message other than a word

-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, March 14, 1998 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Fw: New Virus]

I've found at least one way in which the unwary user could trick
themselves into infection with such a virus.

The program Free Agent from Forte, a popular newsreader, has a
checkbox in General Preferences that is labeled "double-clicking a
message launches its binary attachment." When you set up the software
this wonderful "feature" is enabled by default!

So, click on an innocent looking message in your favorite newsgroup,
to which someone has attached a program that launches a virus, and
voilia! Infection.

I use Free Agent, and it's a well designed and easy to use program.
But this one snare is waiting for anybody not compulsive about
checking out all of a program's configurations before using it!

I hope I'm wrong, but that's what it means to me. If you know
otherwise, Bruce, or anyone else, please point me to the information.


PS: And yes, this has nothing to do with Colloidal Silver. Sorry about
that. I'll shut up now...

On 14 Mar 98 at 19:16, wrote:

> I DON't Think so... this is one of the virus hoaxes that's been
> circulating around the net for quite a while now.
> Do a web search for Virus Hoax and check out the info; then, if you
> had already perpetuated this hoax by passing it on , let your
> friends know "IT AIN"T SO.
> Bruce K. Stenulson
> Applied Technology
> angelina lee wrote:
> >
> > Important virus message   ,Bob Lee
> > --
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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