I have been lurking here for a few months and I have a question for those
with Lyme and other difficult infections who have been taking CS.  I have been
receiving Lyme abx treatment continously for over five years and I have
reached a plateau.  I was misdiagnosed by 15 docs in the previous six years.

    I started a store bought high potency 1100 PPM CS in early December.  I
have been having the monthly flares of flu symptoms ever since.  Everyone with
Lyme knows this cycle. I am not very tired, so I am hoping this is die-
off(herx) of the spirochetes.  I have also tried a 30 ppm product which I have
seen recommended on this list, but I seemed to get only a homeopathic type
relief of symptoms, no die off.
My home brewed CS also produced the same result as the 30 ppm.   

     Last month I had hair analysis done mainly to check mercury level, which
was slightly elevated.  Doc suggested blue green algae, Vit C and selenium.
He is board certified in environmental illness. He is not my Lyme Doctor. My
silver was moderately elevated, but he is not concerned since silver has low
toxicity.  He has no problem with CS short term, but not sure about long term
toxicity.   I plan to have this rechecked. 

    Lyme doc says don't bother with CS, but I am hearing too many good reports
to listen to his advice.  BTW, my dentist originally suggested CS, and sent me
some info on tape of two docs discussing their good experiences with patients
from mild infections to AIDS.

    My  question for those who have treated chronic Lyme with CS, did your
die-off cycle and if so how long?   


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