It seems you have a good attitude and you seem open to trying experimental
treatments.  If you find this of use, I hope you have great luck with it.
If not, I am sorry to waste your time.  I just read of an experiment where
they used a rare Tibetian mushroom called Cordyceps sinensis.  I don't know
how one would locate some of it, but the experiment found that it reversed
both lung cancer and asthma.  I am getting more info on the experiment, but
in the mean time, if you have the time and energy, you might see what you
can find on this substance.  The same article also mentions stabilized
liquid oxygen therapy for many types of cancer, but does not go into detail
about it.  The information comes from the Health Sciences Institute.  I
don't know a lot about them, but the appear to have some well credentialed
medical doctors on staff.  Anyhow, I have sent for more information and I
would be glad to share it with you if you think that you are interested.  If
you are interested, drop me a line and I will send it when available, if
not, just delete this and I won't bother you again.  In any case God bless

>Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 12:26:59 -0500 (EST)
>From: "s.j. vonesh" <>
>Subject: Oxylist In Praise of Oral H2O2 Therapy

>(which really tires me out), I started the oral H2O2 therapy in
>conjunction with a basic de-toxifying program two weeks ago. Although I
>was originally pretty skeptical that this would be of any value, I was
>so depressed by my conventional doctors that I felt I had at least to
>try to help myself in any way I could.
>     I am pleased to report that it really does seem to help. I don't know
>if it's curing my cancer, but it certainly has given me a lot more energy,
>improved my mood, lessened my headaches, and made it possible for me to
>sleep at night without the aid of narcotic drugs. I feel great!

>Keep smilin'  :)
>Susan J. Vonesh            University of Western Ontario
>      London, Ontario Canada
>hoopiest star: Antares     sassiest galaxy: Andromeda
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