Hello List,                     1/31/98

At last count we now have a grand total of 12 Amateur radio operators
on our great list.

Seeing as the information was given freely and proudly by each ham, 
I made a list of the names and calls (in the sequence I received them).
If there are any errors, please correct.

Each operator could add notations to this list along side their call 
as to what band and/or  frequencies they use.  Just think, "The Silver Net."
Talk about getting the word out !!!

AMATEUR RADIO                   CALL
===============                           ===========      

WEEKS PARKER                    KC4VZA

MYRA PARKER                     KC4VZE

RALPH HARTWELL                  W5JGV

BOB JONES                               KJ4IL


JIM EINERT                              KA5CXP

CATHY EINERT                            KC5ZCF

MARSHA HALLETT                  WA6GTO

CHUCK HALLETT                   W7LDS

MIKE HUTTINGER                  WA5NLE

MIKE DEVOUR                             KF8XV

TOM BASSETT                             WM2M

Best Regards, 73's and  88's.......  Tom Bassett,    WM2M