That's okay, I got flamed on the same NG.  In a nutshell, the guy said I was
a moron and taking CS was akin to eating rocks.  I let him know that the
idea of a NG was the sharing of ideas, and someone had asked for opinions
from people who had used CS.  I reminded him that at one point zinc lozenges
for colds were looked upon as voodoo, but now look at how many of the big
drug companies sell them.  Not everything is accepted by the established
powers or their followers and that is okay, we know better.  It took a while
to convince some folks that the earth was not flat :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Marsha Hallett <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, January 29, 1998 1:00 PM
Subject: Flamed again...

>Dear List, Here`s my reply to a flame I got from the Survivalist NG:
>Mike S. Medintz wrote:
>> One fine day, I found this tidbit from Marsha Hallett
>> <> :
>> >  Dear Steve, and anone else interested:
>> >Here is some info. on what CS is, and the directions for a simple
>> >generator:
>> And it's bullshit...
>Thanks for the gentlemanly comment. MLH
>> >CS is made of ions of pure silver in distilled water.
>> If it's made of metal ions then I doubt that it's a colloid.
>How do you know? Under the microscope it sure looks like a colloid, and
>acts like one...MLH
>> >It is so fine that
>> >it can get inside the cells where Borrelia, the Lyme Disease  bugs,
>> can
>> >hiding and kill them, which antibiotics just can`t do.
>> Again, bullshit-Lyme disease is treated with rocephin quite
>> effectively.
>No it isn`t, see the Lyme NG. MLH
>> >CS is able to
>> >kill all one-celled organisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungus
>> and
>> >even viruses. It does so by suffocating them. Silver reacts with
>> the
>> >enzyme that bugs use to utilize oxygen, stopping it, and thus
>> killing
>> >the bugs.
>> Neither do many yeasts and other fungi-they work by fermentation
>> which means that they do NOT require outside oxygen.
>Well, I don`t know how they work, but CS kills em anyway!  MLH
>> Bacteria...well, it depends, although the metabolism of aerobic
>> bacteria is not so different from humans that any substance which
>> killed ALL bacteria by interruption would not kill human cells as
>> well.
>> I mean, jeez, "marsha," lies are bad enough, but these are STUPID
>> lies-the kind that ANYONE who EVER took an intro biology class would
>> see right through!
>Whoa, doesn`t THIS guy have an attitude!!! I`m not a liar in any sense
>of the word. I`m no scientist, I`m just a grandma, hoping to help others
>get well again, like I did. I found CS after 6 years of awful misery
>with Lyme disease, and NONE of the antibiotics I used ever got rid of
>it. Even IV Rocephin CAN`T, just check the Lyme disease newsgroup.
>You`ll see letters from folks after several courses of IV Rocephin,
>still ill and wondering what to try next. Except for CS, there isn`t
>What is this guy`s problem anyway, why can`t he let us willing guinea
>pigs try it for ourselves to find out? I`m satisfied. CS works
>wonderfully for me, my family and even my dogs, too, so you can`t call
>it placebo effect for them.
>I have a cold right now. It began last night, tomorrow it`ll be gone,
>just like all the others that began during the 20 months I`ve been using
>I`m sorry, Mr. Ornery Bad-mouth, CS WORKS, whether you want it to or
>Marsha Hallett, well again in Milwaukee
>Ain`t that something??!! Whew...Anyone else care to respond to this
>idiot, too?